Citizen Scientists Needed For The Great Backyard Bird Count

This February 15–17, 2025 is the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) and everyone can become citizen-scientists for the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Participants in the GBBC, may also be in for some surprises. The vital information gathered and reported will help scientists track changes in the sensitive lives of birds, some of which may be traced to global warming. 

Participating is easy, fun to do alone, or with others, and can be done anywhere you find birds.

Step 1 – Decide where you will watch birds.

Step 2 – Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days.

Step 3 – Count all the birds you see or hear within your planned time/location and use the best tool for sharing your bird sightings:

Below, explore step-by-step instructions for entering data using each available tool.

Here are common birds you're likely to spot in the Bay Area.

Birds in Your Yard

Birds in the Bay, Marshes, Creeks, & Reservoirs

SUGGESTED PLACES TO VIEW THESE BIRDS: Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary, Corte Madera Ecological Reserve, China Camp State Park, Gallinas Creek, Novato Creek Marsh, Rush Creek Marsh, San Rafael Bayfront, Triangle Marsh (Ring Mountain in Corte Madera.), Bolinas Lagoon, Tomales Bay, Kent Lake, Abbott's Lagoon, Olema Creek, Arroyo del Corte Madera, Rodeo Lagoon

Woodland Birds

SUGGESTED PLACES TO VIEW THESE BIRDS: Muir Woods, Mt. Tamalpias, Mount Burdell

Birds in the Fields

SUGGESTED PLACES TO VIEW THESE BIRDS: Mt. Vision, Muir Woods, Mt. Tam, Hawk Hill (Marin Headlands), Mt. Burdell Open Space Preserve

Birds at the Ocean

SUGGESTED PLACES TO VIEW THESE BIRDS: Kehoe Beach (Point Reyes National Seashore), Drake's Beach, Limantour, Palomarin Beach, Stinson Beach, Bolinas Beach