What's Happening This Weekend (December 25-27)
/The events listed below are non-holiday related events this December. Event listings are checked at the time of posting but schedules may change without notice. Links are available below to all venues for your convenience. Please confirm information with the website.
Friday, December 25, MERRY CHRISTMAS
Contemporary Jewish Museum, 11am-4pm, is open and it's a Free Day on Christmas, a fun-for-all extravaganza, explore the galleries, create art, delicious food and move and groove to live music!
San Francisco Botanical Gardens, free
More awesome ideas at Twelve Things To Do On Christmas Day!
Saturday, December 26
SPAWN Coho Salmon Creek Walk Tour, 10am-1pm, naturalists led walk to explore and learn about the ecology of our endangered native population of Coho salmon, native plants and animals, the natural history of the watershed, RSVP required, for questions contact: Education Specialist Catie Clune, email: catie@spawnusa.org phone: (415) 663-8590.
Sunset/Full Moon Hike to Point Bonita Lighthouse, 4:30-6pm, Marin Headlands.
Rue Manouche, 5:30-8:30pm, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Cirque de Boheme spectacle !! "Stolen Moonlight", CornerStone Gardens, Sonoma
A Christmas Carol, ACT, San Francisco
San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker
Lemony Snicket's The Lump of Coal, The hilarious and heartburning, uh, heartwarming holiday adventure of a lump of coal who wants to be an artist.
Mittens and Mistletoe: A Winter Circus Cabaret, Mittens' is back with more comedy, music, spectacular circus feats, and holiday high jinks.
Panto, Marines’ Memorial Theatre, San Francisco.
Sunday, December 27
Sunrise Hike at Deer Island, 7-9am, all ages, discover the local wildlife and unique views of this wonderful preserve, water and healthy snacks provided, Contact Mike Warner at (415) 473-2816, Meet at the gate on Deer Island Ln in Novato.
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-5pm, Seal and Sea Lion Superstars, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito
Classics on The Big Screen, 11am, The Goonies, Lark Theatre, Larkspur.
Cirque de Boheme spectacle !! "Stolen Moonlight", CornerStone Gardens, Sonoma
A Christmas Carol, ACT, San Francisco
San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker
Lemony Snicket's The Lump of Coal, The hilarious and heartburning, uh, heartwarming holiday adventure of a lump of coal who wants to be an artist.
Mittens and Mistletoe: A Winter Circus Cabaret, Mittens' is back with more comedy, music, spectacular circus feats, and holiday high jinks.
Panto, Marines’ Memorial Theatre, San Francisco.