Noreia, a 13-year-old French princess, is an obedient girl until the day disaster strikes Emerhill Kingdom. After a coastal shipwreck, her dragon friend Stalwart is accused of sinking the ship. Noreia's affections for her friend turn to defiance. When Noreia seizes the chance to defend her dragon friend, Noreia defies her father, while obeying her heart. She faces a voyage to an island she has never seen. There, she will struggle to survive with help from the fairies of Fay Linn, on Dragonera Isle!
Breton W. Kaiser Taylor introduces the Fay Linn Trilogy with his debut novel, The Dragon of Emerhill. In this richly illustrated fantasy novel, he depicts a child's need for independence, friendships, and guidance toward a world that is just and full of hope. As a survivor of juvenile kidney disease, he understands children's need for a sense of independence. Made in watercolor and pen and ink, his illustrations make the story come to life. His website is available with information on his writing and artistic process at: