In partnership with Hands on Bay Area, Sutro Stewards is launching a new virtual volunteer opportunity, Nature in your Neighborhood! The interactive, virtual opportunity challenges you to go out into your backyards or neighborhoods to learn more about the plants that grow around you. You will be asked to find 1-2 plant species in your backyard or neighborhood and learn all about them. Sutro Stewards will supply you with all the textual resources needed for you to make your explorations, including question prompts to guide your research. After, create a video of your selected plants or take photos, and do a write up of your findings for Sutro Stewards' blog. Submit your content to All content will be used by Sutro Stewards at their discretion and Sutro Stewards will credit the creator of the content. The virtual volunteer project will start on Saturday, June 13 at 10:00am PT and take place every second Saturday through August at 10:00am PT. Group share outs will take place on the following Tuesday at 5:00pm PT, where you'll be invited to share your findings with the community. Please have all content ready for submission by the Tuesday date each month.