Chuskit tells the triumphant story of a physically disabled girl in rural India whose circumstances derail her dream of going to school. Nevertheless, she persists! Inspired by true events, this fictional tale centers on Chuskit, whose vibrant early childhood is marked by energetic play and an eager thirst for learning. Partially paralyzed in an accident, Chuskit, now age 9, spends her days at home under the watchful eye of her loving but disapproving grandfather (played with tender gravity by renowned folk musician Morup Namgyal) who demands adherence to tradition and discourages her aspirations. Undaunted, Chuskit pursues a series of schemes with the help of her brother and friends, as well as the city doctor who brings her a sleek wheelchair that gives her newfound freedom. Chuskit is an authentic ode to girl power that offers a fascinating glimpse into a modern culture so different from our own, where the internet hasn’t yet landed but the value of connection is prized above all. Age 9+