The public dharma talk starts with a children's portion. Please arrive by 9:45 am to sign in at the table near the zendo.
Deep in the forest of Lumbini, Queen Maya reaches for a tree branch. Her dream of a white elephant prepared her for this special moment. From her side, Prince Siddhartha emerges—the boy who will become The Awakened One.
Join us as we celebrate the birth of our original teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha. We'll begin inside the zendo with the story of the Buddha's birth. While parents are welcome to stay inside for the dharma talk, children are invited outside to decorate the birthday pagoda with flowers from the farm. After the lecture, we'll share a formal procession with children joining their parents to bathe the baby Buddha in sweet tea, a long-standing Green Gulch tradition. A reception of juice, tea, and muffins will follow.
Suggested donation is $20 per family, or as your means allow.